my apologies

i have not been posting due to an issue with wordpress vs flickr. they are winning, and i am losing. i apparently don’t have my settings correct, or they dont speak to each other as well as they would lead one to believe. i am in the process of rerouting my work, and hopefully porting all of you (or at least your ‘following’ of my blog) to a different portal. neither wordpress nor flickr appear to have done anything intentional; i ran out of free storage, flicker offers free storage and promises easy embedding into wordpress, and i am too cheap to pay for more storage at wordpress. so there you have it. 

i hope to see you on the flipside

Ansel Adam’s Act

Great discussion on a topic close to my heart

Say Reciprocity

Read this earlier this week, and think you should too.  It’s important to YOU. Because free speech includes photography, and free speech covers everyone, not just fancy photographers with badges.

It’s a sad state of affairs, but increasingly common in the US, that photographers on every level —  from professional to DSLR hobbyist to iPhoneographer — are prevented from shooting whatever they want, wherever they want, in the public space.

Texas Republican Steve Stockman (who left office after the last session ended) made an attempt to end photographer restrictions with HR 5893, otherwise known as the Ansel Adams Act, introduced on January 2, the day before the end of the last Congress.

The bill explicitly states that “still and motion photographs are speech” and that government attempts through threat and intimidation to prevent people from photographing or otherwise recording in the public space violate the First Amendment to the US Constitution.


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The Hunt

So here it is; I took the challenge at the beginning of the month to try and win a Tamron lens in their contest. 14 photographs of specific items detailed in the ‘scavenger hunt’, all taken with ONLY Tamron lenses, and then displayed on their 3D exhibit website. The challenge for me was to get most of the shots with either a very wide 10-24, or very telephoto 70-300; I don’t have the lens that fills the gap between 24-70 (because that is what i am trying to win!!!). A special thanks to my beautiful models Lily (@ Ted Houts) Krystal Fine, Andrea Dance, and Kimberly Dance
Please enjoy

Her shoppin’/my shootin’

My 7d felt abandoned and lonely; hadn’t been out in a week. So  I told my wife i would join her on her trip to the thrift stores and bring the baby (her term for my beloved camera). Her thrifting is an art, its therapeutic, and its cheap entertainment – but thats another story. 

I am ever searching for new and different; trying to expand my exposure to the world around me (all pun intended). these shots are the result of today’s quick trip and my rapid run thru LR4.










Watch what you wish for

So the other night I’m picking up supplies for a show I am in. Mind you, I have invested a bit here and there in my photography career (cough!) hobby, but for some reason this time it hit me. Time to take this a little more seriously, or get a second job to pay for my hobby. So, after some meditative contemplation, I realize that ‘real’ photographers have websites, and blogs, and enter a lot more shows than I have been. But, I whine to myself, I don’t know how to do all those things. Herein lies the gotcha:

Two days later…whammo! My photo professor assigns the ‘term paper’ of the class; build a blog, post to it, interact with other social media, link to my media and others…. the list of requirements is endless. This is precisely why I am taking these classes. This is the push I need to exit my comfort zone.

ya ya ya – blah blah (insert peanuts adult mumblings here)!!!